13th Annual Chinatown Lunar New Year
Parade & Festival usually winds
throughout Chinatown along Mott,
Canal, and Bayard streets, and along
East Broadway. The spectacle
features elaborate floats, marching
bands, lion and dragon dances
galore, Asian musicians, magicians,
acrobats and procession by local
organizations. Over 5,000 people are
expected to march in the parade,
which will start at Mott Street and
promenade through practically every
street in of Chinatown, finally
dispersing at Worth Street. The
parade is expected to conclude at 3
pm, at which time an outdoor
cultural festival will take place on
Bayard Street featuring more
performances by musicians, dancers
and martial artists.
Parades are common and in many
places across New York, you will see
dragon dancers, lion dancers, local
and international artists performing
on the streets. In Chinese New
Year is on January 23rd. Fireworks,
parades, and cultural programs take
place in areas like Chinatown,
Columbus Park, China Institute, and
Mulberry Street.
Many prefer to start their New Year
celebrations with a Walking tour
visiting areas where celebrations
are galore.
A Chinese New Year event that is
scheduled to take place in will include acrobatic
shows, traditional drink, and food.
Admission to this event is free and
will take place in Chinatown. The
event is basically a parade that
passes through Bayard Street, Mott,
East Broadway, and Canal.