Event Information:
giving yourself a fitness challenge
in Sheffiled? Well look no further. We
have the perfect solution for you in
the form of the brilliant Bupa Great
Yorkshire Run which takes place in
Sheffield each autumn. Yorkshire Forward supporting
this event in order to showcase the
region. The event will also generate
economic benefit for the area and
encourage additional visitor spend
to the region thus contributing to
our target to increase visitor spend
by 5% annually.
10k treat is perfect goal for you to
get fit and healthy in the summer
months which are now fast
approaching and is open to runners
of all abilities aged 15 and over.
The route takes you out from Arundel
Gate in Sheffield City Centre down
the fast and flat Penistone Road and
then back into the Arundel Gate.
When the going gets tough, there'll
be loads of bands on the run and
spectators cheering you on which
will help you on your way! Then your
reward when you get to the finish
line is a fantastic finisher's pack
which includes your well deserved
medal and exclusive finisher's t
shirt that you can wear with pride!
You can enter the run as an
individual or why not enter a team
into the Bupa Great Yorkshire Run
Business Challenge?