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Latest News: BP oil spill costs
reach $2.65bn
BP has
said the cost of
cleaning up the oil leak
in the Gulf of Mexico
has now reached $2.65bn
The oil giant said this
included the cost of the
spill response,
containment, relief well
drilling, grants to Gulf
states and claims paid.
The total has risen to
an average of $100,000 a
day over the past three
days - the highest daily
average so far.
The company said more
than 39,000 people were
now involved in the
response effort.
More than 80,000 claims
had been submitted, BP
said, and it had made
41,000 payments
totalling more than
BP added it was too
early to quantify other
potential costs and
liabilities arising from
the incident..
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Taiwan - trade pact with China
sparks street protest in Taipei
Tens of
thousands of demonstrators
in Taiwan have been venting
their anger at a trade deal
with China, to be signed on
Supporters say it will boost
Taiwan's economy but critics
fear it could pave the way
for a Chinese takeover.
China and Taiwan have been
separately governed since
the end of a civil war in
1949, though China still
sees the island as its
Leaders of the opposition
Democratic Progressive Party
are calling for Taiwan to
hold a referendum on the
pact, known as the Economic
Cooperation Framework
Police said around 32,000
people took part in the
protests. The opposition
said there were 100,000
demonstrators on the
"The Taiwanese have worked
so hard to achieve the
democracy we have today, and
we will not allow China to
control us," he continued.
Another demonstrator, Wu
Hsien-che, dismissed the
deal as "sugar-coated
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